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Picking your Trivia Host

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This is an extremely important role in ensuring the success of your trivia night. This person has the power to make or break it, However by following the TriviaHead rules and guidelines given to each host any problems can be almost eliminated.

The host needs to be engaging and fun! They should do their best to include the groups and make it a fun night for all. They need to try and remember names of the individuals not just team names. When reading answers they should laugh at the funny one's, encourage the winners and inspire the teams lagging to do better (sometimes with a cheeky hint to keep them in the game)

They also need to be reliable. When picking your trivia host make sure they know their role and expectations in the beginning, either put them on wages or cash per night hosted. Let them know they need to be responsible for replacing themselves if they are sick or away with someone who will handle the pressure. This is a fun and easy job done right however if left to someone who does not care it can cause great damage.

Enlisting your best staff member or an advertisement on a local website like gumtree or craigslist is the best way to find your next host! Remember not to over pay for someone as TriviaHead has done the work for you. They should be earning a similar wage to your bar and wait staff.

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